Small But Impactful Ways to Help Right the Wrongs of Cannabis Prohibition

1.     Make a concerted effort as a business owner to hire a diverse array of employees. Not only does this mean having clear hiring practices and guidelines but also specifically requesting that those who have been formerly incarcerated or convicted of cannabis related crimes apply for jobs.

2.     Providing training, education, and mentorship programs for those most greatly effected by cannabis prohibition to give them experience and access to the industry.

3.     Donating to, supporting, and uplifting organizations and policies which seek to expunge all cannabis related criminal records. This includes holding our representatives accountable in recreational states.

4.     Encouraging and enabling license holders to open businesses in the communities most affected by cannabis prohibition.

5.     Destigmatizing the use of cannabis in popular culture and diversifying the spaces where cannabis is consumed to help combat stereotypes.


We know that part of being a good community member means thinking deeply about the impact our business can and should have on the state of cannabis in New York. Beyond donating portions of our profits to organizations we support (Last Prisoner Project, Marijuana Policy Project, NORML) we also choose to collaborate with organizations who support our shared goals (NY Small Farma, Women Grow, Seasoned Gives). As our business expands so can our effect on the community at large.


In the future, we plan to host both community events and cannabis focused events. We hope to include everyone from those people just entering the industry and want to learn, to those who have years of experience as legacy business owners, and also those who want to pivot from another field or industry. Cannabis can be transformative for our communities if we encourage beneficial business practices.


As individuals it may feel difficult to have an impact on past cannabis-related injustices but there are many ways to begin to right these wrongs, whether it be through community advocacy, education, mentorship, or donating to organizations you believe in. We’ll continue that conversation in future articles.


The Potency Lie: New Research on THC


Our Take: Modern Cannabis Lifestyle